The Pacific Union Conference celebrates Black History Month!
Here you will find various articles and resources to celebrate and educate all month long.

Ellen G. White: Racist or Champion of Equality?
(También español) “Christ came to this earth with a message of mercy and forgiveness. He laid the foundation for a religion by which Jew and Gentile, black and white, free and bond, are linked together in one common brotherhood, recognized as equal in the sight of God.”
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All God's People
My favorite February episodes of All God’s People have focused on Black History Month. In the past six years, we have had thoughtful, inspiring interviews...
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Northern Lights - February, 2023
“History gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past; it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present—thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and solving!) current and future problems.”
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SECC Veterans Lead Out in NAACP Luncheon
(También español) This past Veteran’s Day, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) honored veterans throughout the Inland Empire. The committee that organized this event was headed by retired Marine Chief Warrant Officer Franklin Benjamin, an elder at Imani Praise Fellowship.
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Black Adventist Women Clergy Advancing the Gospel, Part 3
Part 3 - In 1943, a turning point came in the intersection between race, gender, and the Adventist Church. Lucille Byard (1877-1943), a Black Adventist laywoman, went to a prominent Adventist hospital in Maryland in hopes of lifesaving treatment but was denied care because of her race and the unjust Jim Crow laws then in effect.
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Black Adventist Women Clergy Advancing the Gospel, Part 1
Part 1 Republished - Women have worked to advance the gospel from our earliest days as an organized church, yet when discussing their role, an important sub-group is often excluded from the story. White women are often overrepresented, while the accomplishments of Black women and other trailblazing women of color are less recognized.
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Connie Hall Named Nevada Teacher of the Year
When Connie Hall was named 2023 Nevada Teacher of the Year, it came as no surprise to those that know her. She has been an exceptional example of true education throughout her teaching career. The Nevada Teacher of the Year celebrates excellence and encourages the workforce by recognizing exceptional teachers.
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Black Adventist Women Clergy Advancing the Gospel, Part 2
Part 2 - We have to be bold and defiant in our process, in our protest. As women in ministry, we reject the negative press and we choose to love in spite of all that’s said and in spite of all the discrimination,” said Dr. Brenda Billingy, who served as the senior pastor of several local churches in the early 2000s before supporting the recruitment and retention of Adventist women clergy in her capacity as Associate Director of the North American Division (NAD) Ministerial Department from 2015-2020.i
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Biographical Sketches of Adventist Women Civil Rights Pioneers
Black Adventist women are as integral to the early history of Adventism as to the histories of the civil rights movement, the women’s rights movement, and...
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Arizona Conference Black Ministries Convocation Renews and Inspires Attendees
After a two-year hiatus from regular in-person convocations, the 42nd annual Arizona Conference Black Ministries Convocation was a smashing success,”...
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Black Adventist Women Clergy Advancing the Gospel, Part 1
Part 1 - Women have worked to advance the gospel from our earliest days as an organized church, yet when discussing their role, an important sub-group is often excluded from the story. White women are often overrepresented, while the accomplishments of Black women and other trailblazing women of color are less recognized.
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P.G. Rodgers: Builder of Black Adventism
Despite his persistent agitation against racial injustice in the church and the disappointment surrounding his early retirement, Rodgers testified in 1960, "I have loved every phase of the Message during these years and have never doubted one line of it."
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Black Ministries Convocation Renews and Inspires Attendees
Oakland Ministries Gain New Building
God and Generators Provide Power at Convocation
SECC Launches Winning Circle Men's Ministry
Ricardo Graham Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award
Healing the Community 170 at a Time
Welcome Chris Jordan: SCC Asset Risk Management Director
Glendale Marches for Greater Belonging at Second Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Peace Walk
James P Willis becoming SCC VP for Education
Valley Fellowship Church Blood Drive
Ubumwe Congregation Becomes a Church
The first Ghanaian Adventist Church is Organized on the West Coast
Compton Community Church: "In the Absence of Normal, You Can Be Creative."