Hispanic Ministries is made up of 200 churches aiming to reach the 15 million Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking people living in the five state region. Lay training is the key to successful growth and service in this immense mission field. It isn’t only pastors who preach and give Bible studies; ordinary men and women serve as trainers, facilitators, and think-tank specialists. Young people give Bible studies, and kids volunteer for neighborhood service projects, cleaning city parks and giving backpacks to the homeless. Once a year, thousands of youth and kids attend regional youth congresses. There are six hundred Hispanic small groups in the Pacific Union territory. Media teams prepare current and timely sermon materials, PowerPoint resource libraries, and fresh-off-the-press Bible study packets and digital seminar material to capture the interest of people in all age groups and demographics. Most Hispanic churches offer their cities an evangelistic event each calendar year.

Alberto Ingleton
Vice President for Hispanic Ministries
Alberto Ingleton has been director of Hispanic Ministries of Pacific Union Conference since 2018, and he now serves in the newly created role of vice president.
Ingleton became director of Hispanic Ministries of Pacific Union Conference after serving as vice president for Hispanic Ministries for Southeastern California Conference. Before assuming administrative responsibilities in 2007, Ingleton served as the senior pastor of La Sierra Spanish church and was a pastor at other congregations in Southeastern California Conference. Before coming to Southeastern California Conference, Ingleton served in the publishing department for Central California Conference.
Ingleton holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Montemorelos University, as well as a Master of Pastoral Ministry degree and Doctor of Ministry degree from Andrews University.
Alberto is married to Elizabeth Roman Ingleton, who is a nurse at the VA Hospital in Long Beach.