Oliver Enriquez Is Ordained

Oliver Enriquez was born and raised in Cancun, Mexico, in a ministerial home. Although his father was not a pastor, he was an Adventist professor for almost 30 years. Growing up in this environment prepared Enriquez for his own journey in ministry.
“My father, a man dedicated to the Adventist ministry of education,” Enriquez reflected, “made it a priority to install God’s love in me since I was very little.”
When he began high school, he was already thinking about future career options. Spending a lot of time with pastors throughout his formative years impressed on him an interest in pastoral ministry. After graduating from the theological seminary at Linda Vista University in Chiapas, Mexico, in 2011, he was invited to be the youth pastor at Paramount Spanish church, where he met his wife, Andrea. Soon after they were married, he was called to serve as youth pastor at South Gate Spanish church.
His calling was affirmed at his ordination service last fall. Friends, family, colleagues, and church members gathered at Van Nuys Spanish church Sabbath afternoon for the special occasion. Surrounded by so much love, support, and encouragement, Enriquez was especially glad that his father, who was recently diagnosed with cancer, regained his strength to make this trip.
“We’re here today because the church has recognized God’s call on the life of Oliver Enriquez,” John H. Cress, Southern California Conference president, said at the ordination. “God-called pastors are an essential ingredient for the church of Jesus Christ. Scriptures tell us that God gave pastors to prepare a people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up. Today, we lay hands on Oliver Enriquez. We recognize that call that God has given him.”
“My hope is that God will continue to use me as His instrument to serve Him and His church alongside my family,” Enriquez said. “This commitment is now until Christ comes.”
Adventurer Leadership Training Emphasizes the Theme “Walk by Faith”

On a vibrant Sunday in October, Southern California Conference (SCC) youth ministries hosted an impactful Adventurer leadership training event at White Memorial church. Around 120 participants—club directors, staff, and parents—gathered with a shared purpose: to better support Adventurer clubs in their local churches.
The day began with an inspiring devotional led by Geoff Sewell, youth ministries director, centered around the theme “Walk by Faith.”
“Our SCC Adventurer advisory encouraged our Adventurer clubs to adopt ‘Walk by Faith’ as their club theme for this year,” Sewell said. “We are working with our clubs to incorporate this theme into their club worship services throughout the year. In addition, ‘Walk by Faith’ will be the theme for our two Adventurer family camps in May and June of 2025 to end our club year.”
Sewell also emphasized the importance of loving what we do so that we may share genuine love with the children we serve. In addition to this uplifting message, which symbolized unity in purpose and vision, the attendees wore T-shirts displaying the slogan “Walk by Faith.”
Throughout the day, participants engaged in a range of workshops, including basic staff training offered as English and Spanish language tracks and an advanced track designed for club directors.
Nancy Matute, member of Eagle Rock church, was inspired to participate in the training to “help other leaders enhance their effectiveness in engaging young people within their churches,” because training events like this “provide an opportunity for affirmation, learning, and receiving guidance when needed.”
A delicious lunch, provided by the Adventurer Leadership in Training from White Memorial church, offered a time for fellowship and refreshment before the afternoon’s activities resumed.
The event concluded with a heart- warming graduation ceremony, where participants were awarded pins and certificates of completion recognizing their commitment to the Adventurer ministry.
“The Holy Spirit’s presence was felt throughout the day, guiding and bless- ing every step of the event,” said Nuris Barriga, SCC youth ministries departmental assistant. “This all-day training had participants energized and equipped to continue serving their local Adventurer clubs with faith, love, and dedication.”
“Witnessing many leaders striving to improve their support for our youth gives me joy,” Matute added, “and reassures me that we are on the right path toward our ultimate goal—heaven.”